I've always enjoyed Heston's tv shows and all the geeky experiments and exploratory journeys he takes for the sake of good eating - but 9 hours seems a little overkill if it's me in the kitchen. This is why I was a bit reticent upon receiving my very first Heston cookbook, Heston Blumenthal at home... I'd happily go for a Heston meal cooked by someone else, but wasn't sure I was ready to commit to the apparent toils that come with producing such paradisiac pièces de résistance.
I decided to start with theory, slowly marinating in the scientific explanations of how and why recipes work. And while I'm still intimidated by the daunting prospect of making stock the Heston way, which seems like it could take days, I've been pleasantly surprised to also find some recipes that not only seem manageable, but also look (and that is the operative word) like they will take less than 9 hours - in some cases, considerably less.
And so, I began my first practical examination of this book over the weekend. Two things drove my choice in recipe - time and an undeniable craving for cheese. Inspired around 5:30pm on Saturday evening to attempt a Heston recipe, it was very easy to choose based on the length of the recipe. And when I flipped to page 231, Cheese fondue with sherry and cloves, the way forward became perfectly clear... especially as we'd only just received a fondue set as a wedding gift last week.
Heston's recipe for fondue was very clear, easy to follow, and thankfully took perhaps 45 minutes in total to make. Here's the recipe:
Serves 6-8
450g Gruyère cheese, grated
450g Comté cheese, grated
15g Cornflour
30g Manzanilla sherry
2 Sprigs of thyme
3 Cloves garlic
500g Dry white wine
20g Lemon juice
5g English mustard
pinch of ground cloves
In a bowl, mix the grated cheeses with the cornflour.
Bring the sherry to a simmer in a small saucepan over a medium-high heat. Add the thyme and garlic, remove from the heat and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Strain and allow to cool.
Bring the wine and lemon juice to the boil together in a medium saucepan, and add the cheese, a handful at a time, whisking continuously until smooth and creamy.
Add the sherry, mustard powder and ground cloves to the cheese and wine, and continue to stir until the fondue thickens.
Transfer to a fondue pot and serve (with whatever you like - we had bread, green apples, red pepper, and zucchini)
The fondue was delicious - though I couldn't necessarily taste the mustard, the sherry, or the cloves coming through - however, they definitely added complexity to the fondue which I suppose is the desired effect - a harmonious flavour without any one part overwhelming the whole.
It took some time for the fondue to thicken - so it's useful to note that the last step, before transferring to the fondue pot, can take upwards of 15-20 minutes to get the consistency Heston talks about in his intro to the recipe... "You want the cheese to be runny and stringy, not thick and stodgy." Mission accomplished!! Maybe this Heston stuff isn't so daunting after all.... though I think I'll shelve the stocks section for the time being....